
Friday, 18 October 2013

Hello Panda

hi Panda !
So my people tell me that we are Sealyhams ( LOVE THE NAME, IT HAS GOT HAM IN IT!!!)
I seriously can't see the resemblance.... can you ?
Anyway, when Food Dispenser and her Husband go to work I have time to myself and between eating snacks, snoozing (girl needs her beauty sleep, right?) and trying to figure out how to open the freezer door (I LOVE frozen peas!!) I will tell you about things I do.
She tells me that you live across the pond! I love ponds! I throw myself in it and swim but then freak out because,you know, I only have short legs and I can't touch the ground with my paws! Anyway, I have my 2 friends, Andy and Benny staying over so I better go as I need to entertain them and make sure they don't touch my snacks. Food Dispenser goes crazy and gives my snacks to dogs who visit! Can you believe it?
Crazy woman. What if we run out? My life will be literally over..
Speak soon!
Love, Olivia ( friends call me Boo).

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